your business and personal life navigator

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Organizational fine tuning (OFT)

Professionals not only come from different backgrounds and cultures, but carry their own predispositions. You need to interlink and combine their ideas, business practices and conduct, so as to create a team with the common objective of producing tangible business results while implementing a care reciprocity culture (CRC). This makes business as well as personal life both profitable as well as fun. Having fun while at work is the tool for being an effective business operative, which in turn will result in organizational maturity.

Your personal navigator

Whether you are the CEO, a BoD member, or a senior manager, how many times have you thought you're on your own when it comes to making business decisions? When was it last that you thought you could trust your thoughts? Our personal touch aims at accommodating your sense of being on your own out there. We aim to help you share all your considerations and carry along some of your personal load so as to help you orientate on both a business as well as a personal level.

Professional training (PT)

PT applies to either business organizations as a whole or specific individuals. PT sets the grounds for the establishment of a care reciprocity culture (CRC) where business operatives are trained to take care of the business, themselves and their co-workers. It takes the form of soft skills development, inner self-quests and of course hard core technical professional qualifications.

Business advisory

Whether one may admit it or not, most  organizations, have room for improvement; especially during times of constant turbulence when the business will need to adapt to its environmental challenges, whether those are market related, cultural, technical or other. Look into your business and ask yourself how it may advance for the future, to become not only sustainable but a growth prototype. 

Organizational fine tuning (OFT)

OFT represents a differentiated human centric approach on how may a business organization improve its operations, financial efficiency and effectiveness, via creating a care reciprocity culture  (CRC) amongst individuals in the business. Team members' communication patterns are the key. OFT aims at developing a dynamic communications procedures manual so as to minimize noise and tension while maximizing productivity within everyday interaction.

It  is implemented within three organizational maturity stages:

  • Analytical key employees  profiling Analytical key employees profiling which focuses on identifying people's business and personal conduct characteristics, so as to determine common centripetal grounds as well as variant centrifugal approaches amongst individuals. Character strengths and weaknesses need to be clearly determined so as to become part of staff training and development. The end result of the profiling process is to have framed the court within which organizational cultural maturity may evolve.
  • Connecting the communication dots so as to determine the interconnections and communication patterns amongst individuals working for the organization. It is essentially a character mix and match exercise. Having thoroughly analysed client profiles, one may isolate the ineffective tension and stress sources for the benefit of effective intercommunication patterns. Furthermore, we may work hard on not only strengthening the effective communication channels, but creating new ones!
  • Finally bridge building so as to cover the communication gaps and achieve contact amongst people in the organization. Communication patterns have now been set and need to be adhered to, as standard operating procedures.

As the workplace evolves, it seems more purposeful that personalized OFT may be reserved for high potential individuals and senior leaders. In order to infuse organizational maturity skills throughout the culture, human resource professionals and team leaders themselves need to be trained to become effective maturity culture agents within the organization.  

1-2-1 reflection: your personal navigator

What are the prerequisites for creating a sustainable business to be managed successfully through turbulence? Entrepreneurial insight. Innovation. Technical competence. People selection, training and development. Prudence vs risk taking. Favourable or adverse contingency. A structured approach and a balancing act of all of the above. 

So how does one balance the correct proportion of all the ingredients? Peace of mind is the answer. Not only for business, but personal life of course. 

SavetheDay serves the purpose of identifying the peace of mind objective so that you may enable yourself to share your thoughts and considerations. Our belief is that anyone can select to open up and share, as long as a reliable and entrusted partner is present. This is our role as the reflection of the decision maker. So you may let us be your partner in your efforts to:

Audit your inner self

Identify your thoughts

Assess personal strenghts and weaknesses

Realize what is it that you do in life


Set a course for your future


Recognize how others perceive you

Realize where others come from

Assess financial planning and its importance for your balance

Adopt change

Professional training

Organizations - Individuals - Masterclasses - Tailored courses


Whether your learning and development needs span across an entire multinational corporation or for a team based in a single location, SavetheDay delivers workforce performance to scale.

SavetheDay partners with you to assess, design, and implement innovative learning solutions that drive your organization's key business imperatives.


Whether your goal is to stay current in your field, build on your achievement or begin a bold new chapter, our bespoke or/and customizable programs provide you with the opportunity to advance your career while managing a busy life.

Professional Qualifications (PQs)

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales (ICAEW)

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) 

Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)

International Compliance Association (ICA)

International Coaching Federation (ICF)


Strategic management

Sales & marketing

HR management

Finance for non financiers

Business finance

Investment appraisal & Business valuations

Business planning & budgeting

Business decision making


Working capital management

Tailor made courses

Organizations or/and individuals can target specifically on the skills -either technical or soft or both- that need to be developed.  Hence, we are all ears on your training needs so as to construct a fully custom-made training programme which will specifically cover your requirements. 

Business advisory

Service offerings relate to:

Marketing & sales aiming at sales growth via strategic brand development, products and services (re)positioning, marketing communications and sales networking & distribution

HR related services so as to be able to attract, recruit, develop and assess staff 

Operational efficiency relates to whether an organization performs effectively at the lowest possible cost

Organizational restructuring is when an organization needs to synchronize its structure with its ever changing environment external and internal

Processes & internal controls so as to ensure control of the organization's assets via standard operating procedures

ERP implementation and cybersecurity whenever current or/and new system automations need to be applied

Due dilligence & transactions support either on the buy or sell side

Budgeting so as to establish an orientation and control mechanism regarding organizational resources

Financial reporting so as to be able to assess performance and make informed decisions based on facts

Risk management so as to chart the risks the organization is facing, assess those and take preventive action so as to minimize exposure

Compliance legal and financial in order to ensure adherence to regulation

Audit planning and preparation so that the organization stays financially credible at all times

Corporate and commercial law handling regulatory matters, data privacy and litigation management